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Pre-Hospital BH Summit Team

A Jefferson County EMS Council and CHIP partnership, the Pre-Hospital Behavioral Health Summit focuses on the assessment & treatment of patients with behavioral health emergencies.  This assessment requires a team approach between law enforcement, EMS, behavioral health experts, and emergency department providers.  With this many teams involved, there can be lack of clarity of roles and responsibilities.  This care has become ever more challenging in the setting of the pandemic and recent new changes enacted by the state legislature.  

Dr. David Carlbom, the Medical Program Director for Jefferson County EMS and  responsible for supervising all the out-of-hospital medical care in East Jefferson County,  anchors the Summit Team's Quarterly.  This convening allows for participants to meet each other, learn of each other's expertise, discuss opportunities and challenges, and to develop a shared mental model of how we collaborate to provide the best care to patients suffering Behavioral Health Crisis.

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